I hope you all aren't getting bored. I'll try to get the rest wrapped up, but it's going to be hard!:)
So day two in CO arrived, and we had friends from church here too now, the Sensinig family-and I have most likely spelled that wrong, my apologies. Aunt Janice bundled some of the Schamel's in the white van, the Sensinig family drove theirs, and we set out in the mighty Bumble bee, to Pike's Peak!!
It was funny that we should get to go there, because when Justin and I were kids we had a steep hill in the woods we dubbed that. The view got more and more spectacular the higher we got, and the air cooler. I had only brought a sweater, not realizing that I should have brought gloves too, because when we got to the 37 F. top, it was freezing it you stayed out long!
Me and me sister Lesley
Look Ma, no guardrails!:)
After that we ate in the Garden of the gods park, and went home to get ready for Wednesday night service.
The next day Uncle Dale took us to the mines of Victor CO. We saw the working mine's mountain, walked around an old mine, and actually went 1,000 ft. down into the
It was exciting to be in a mine that had actually been used. One of the guides to the tour managed to somehow fit all ten of our group (and the three people in our group we didn't know rode in another), in one cage. Literally sardines.:) Melody tried to take a picture of us while we were in it, but we were too crammed for it!:) Afterwards we made a pit stop at Wal-mart, (which is very much different looking than the ones we have here), and the guys went ahead to the house to start a campfire, for roasting hot dogs.:) This was the last night there, and we stayed up as late as we possibly could, which was until we found out we were being too loud.:s It was a wonderful, lovely visit-we got to be with friends we hadn't seen in almost a year, though that kind of made the goodbye's even harder. Someday we won't have to say goodbye though.
The trip home was fairly quiet, as far as events went-but we were a little sleep-deprived, sugar-high slap happy, which made for some hilarious moments. So that was the highlights of the trip-I could post more, but I think I really should give you guys a break.) So cheers for now!
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